Saturday 26 December 2015

Love Note 2015- Hater Alert!!!

I haven't posted in awhile but I couldn't allow the year to end without doing so. I'm going to keep this one nice and short.

Hate is a strong word so i'll say that I strongly dislike people who are always feeling sorry for them self. Too many people have what I call the woe is me complex, thinking constantly that the world owes them something. These people are always acting has if those who make it to the top only got there because they were cheated, never taking responsibility for the fact that they stopped working hard a long time ago. Too many people believe they're the only ones that have down days so they sit back being lazy while envying people who push through their hard times and make something out of nothing. ‎

I strongly dislike people who never take responsibility for the fact they wasted time in school or wasted the time they could have spent perfecting their talents. I strongly dislike people who somehow still manage to believe they deserve hand outs because it's everyone else's fault and not that they created the mess that is their life themselves.

Enough!!! Get up!!! Stop wallowing in hate or as Jamaicans would say BAD MIND. Enough of making people who work hard feel like they owe you something or they were not deserving of their hard earned sucess. In other words stop being hater. Enough of depending on others (the government, your family, your boss, coworkers or friends) to fix the problems you created. Enough of doubting that you can change your situation and make something of your life. It is never too late for change, it is never too late to own your mistakes. At the end of the day even 
if you were cheated, even if some one dealt you a band hand, even if some one knocked you down you are the only person who can decide if you will stay down. 

#HappyHolidays   #YaRoneEntertainment

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