Friday 10 April 2015

Lisa Hanna VS Chronixx Part 2!!!!!!!

Jamaican reggae artiste Chronixx on the day President Obama hosted a historic town hall meeting with the country's young leaders at UWI expressed via his Instagram account some views that had many of his followers and others on social media saying that he was dis-respecting Obama. Many felt that though Chronixx concerns regarding the US espunging Marcus Garvey's criminal record is a relevant topic, the outspoken Reggae singer could have structured his comment differently. Lisa Hanna, Minister of Youth and Culture in an interview posted to The Gleaner's youtube channel states that Chronixx though he is a talented artiste with much to say must understand that he operates in a "global space" and must weigh his words carefully when speaking on national or international issues.

Whether or not we want to admit it, in this instance Minister Hanna has a valid point. Chronixx and many other entertainers, youth leaders, politicians and social media users in general, must always remember that we live in an age where just by the push of a button the world has access to every thing we say and even after we delete those Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts they can never be deleted from cyber space. It all boils down to "It's not what you say but how you say it." and if we assess Chronixx's post, though he presented a very valid point  the only thing that some people paid attention to was the aspect of that post that came across as disrespectful. Chronixx must continue to be fearless in the way he expresses his opinions and concerns and continue to help in holding leaders accountable but he must ensure that he does it in a way that does not take from his good intentions. We must all ensure that we are responsible social media users.

Watch the Gleaner video post in the link below and share your views.

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