Sunday 12 April 2015

Love Notes April 2015- Social Media Pics of Relationships Past.

Hello Readers:
I was talking to a male friend recently who was telling me that his girlfriend of eight months is making a big deal about him not deleting the facebook pictures of his ex from his page. At first I thought she was being immature (I know us women can get that way about things like that sometimes) but after looking at the photos on his page and seeing that some of the pictures basically were a lot of PDA, their friends and family saying how much he and his ex looked good together and were meant for each other and posts where he and his ex girlfriend were professing their love for each other, I started to understand why his new girl wanted the photos to be removed. I asked him who it would hurt if he did delete them and if being in a new relationship didn't mean that he should be moving on? I got through to him and now the pictures have been removed.

I began to wonder how many couples out there are having this same argument and  how many males don't feel like it's a big deal to still have on showcase the photos of the happy moments shared with their ex. Studies show that social media is one of the main reasons many relationships end in these days. You may not understand your new girl's reasoning behind why she wants the photos to come down but it is simple.......she wants to know that she has basically erased all memories of your ex from your mind, she wants to know that you care for her enough to respect her wishes and consider her feelings especially when she is fighting for that place in your heart your ex once held. It is sometimes ok for you to remain social media friends with your ex but I honestly feel that all those lovey-dovey photos of you together can or should be deleted when the relationship ends, especially when you are now public with your new relationship. At the end of the day if your new significant other asks that the pictures be removed just do it.

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