Friday 18 September 2015

Talk Up Yout Season 5 Episode 2 Review- Easy Money.

About The Show
This was another great topic. I'll say again that I love the new format of the show but I feel this would probably be one of the times where the producers perhaps should have reverted to the original layout just so we all could get insight from some one who was in the business of getting "easy money". We can only assume why people make certain choices so having some who has "been there and done that" would have been great for this topic.  Not every one's story is the same and even a female who had a sugar daddy could better provide us with the reason she headed down that route, what made her give up having a sugar daddy and what she feels could prevent other youths from choosing that life. The panel did however do a good job  bringing some very good points to the fore. 

They all agreed that many want quick cash because they believe that a good education and hard work can not help them achieve their goals. Another point I also agreed with given by Erieka  is that many who cry for more government aid are the same ones who spend what little they have on material things like expensive clothes, bleaching cream and trending technological items. I also agree that Jamaican youths need to have more of an entrepreneurial spirit.  

There were some statements  I didn't agree with though. One of the panelist was of the view that Jamaican youths needed more training opportunities. I didn't agree with that statement because I see where the HEART NTA and the NYS are providing several programs aimed at helping youths who cannot afford traditional tertiary education. I also know too that the YMCA also has training opportunities for those who choose to take advantage. I also didn't agree that for young people who wanted to start a small business there is no avenue for them to get assistance. I have benefited from the JBDC business clinic where I was provided with free one on one business consultation with business strategist and bankers who wer able to suggest business financing options. I have taken advantage of any free networking seminar in order to learn more about starting a business and marketing. So the facilities are available some are just not willing to researh and take advantage of them.
My Thoughts
We all want to live the fabulous lives of local and international "celebrities". It seems like every ones goal is to become rich socialite. Not many want to be doctors or lawyers anymore. Not many want to obtain a Masters Degree or PhD. Some of us are willing to work hard because we understand that even for those rich and famous people their big house, expensive cars and clothing didn't come about through over night success but through hard work and dedication to perfecting their craft. The rich and famous continue to work hard to maintain their lifestyle. I heard some where once that it's easy to get the money but very hard to keep it.‎ I feel that even if a young man or young lady has a man or woman taking care of his/her daily expenses he/she should still be ambitious enough to save a few dollars, use the help they are getting to further their education or to start a small business. (I'm not talking about under age youths).  Some are smart enough to do so, others however use the financial support they are recieving to buy clothes, go away on weekend trips, party every night and get their hair and nails done every weekend and that's  not smart at all. 

I honestly can't say how this issue can be solved. It's not an issue only affecting the poor youths. Even educated youths are falling into the trap of wanting easy money. It's how many are now being conditioned through the western celebrity culture being portrayed on socia media and reality tv. I believe youths just need to value hard work. Youths need to be inundated with more stories from programs like Profile and Talk Up Yout of those who came from poor back grounds but through education and remaining goal oriented they have made their lives better.

Those who are engaged in illegal activities for easy month need to understand that one day they will g caught and will end up spending time great portion of their lives behind bars or worst and that's a high price to pay.

Youths need more networking opportunities from as early as fifth form so they can build a relationship with prospective employees and prospective business partners. Youths also need to understand the importance of saving and  taking responsibility for their own future. Youths must understand that they have to invest in their their goals from early and not blame or depend on the government or any one else to provide aid after they have wasted time in school and have squandered money. 

Another great episode can't wait to "talk up" on next week's topic. 

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