Wednesday 7 October 2015

Love Notes 2015: Put Yourself Out There.

I was at a women's empowerment seminar recently. One of the speakers Jacqui Tyson  spoke about "Not apologizing for your existence." the way she put it -some times our fear causes us to exude this aura of "I'm sorry". It can be in the way that we stand, walk, sit, enter a room or even speak. She said many times we are placed in a position where we can make a first good impression but don't because of fear.  The speaker went on to say her philosophy is different from most. For example, she said she never enters a room and goes to the back. If the room is full she said she prefers to stand to side where she can be seen, she takes every opportunity to ask questions and to put herself in a position where she will always be remembered. Sounds narcissistic but think about it. How many times do we seek out the back; the back of the class room, the back of church, the back of a seminar etc mainly because we feel like if we are at the front we will be seen, we'll be the first to be pointed at. How many times do we refuse to ask questions. Afraid that the question is stupid, afraid of all the people who will be looking at us, afraid of speaking. How many times are we offered an opportunity to attend an event but pass or asked to give a vote of thanks or introduce a speaker but say no because of fear. Being apologetic. How many of us have put have been in situations where we get to network but  introduce ourselves to a business leader.   Truth is many of us often shy away from the aforementioned. ‎
The message of not being apologetic about my presence and using opportunities has stayed with me. Since then I've been trying to think about all the times and all the ways I've let great opportunities slip away from me becuase I was afraid to be in the front or afraid to ask a question. Sad to say that I've had many of those moments.   I've actually been on a mission to change. I speak up now. Even when I'm filled up with nervous energy shaking in my shoes. I have been to a few networking seminars just so I can practice. If I'm ever in the building with a business leader or a politician I plan to make an amazing first impression. 

So my message to you my readers is stop apologizing for your existence. Stand tall, head up. Put your self out there. Speak without fear at all times. Ask for what you want in a respectful way. Remember that no is never the end of your journey and there is no such thing as a stupid question. The difference between those who are successful and those who are not or are trying to be is that they put them self out there.

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