Saturday 7 March 2015

Magnum Kings and Queens Of Dancehall: Season 8 Live Show 6 Recap.

The show started with the two males and two females from castle blue with the lowest votes facing off to see who would remain in the competition. Katara came out driving some hard lyrics, though Innocent changed the lyrics in her song to show she was clearly ready for the war  the judges decided to select Katara to push through to the next round of the competition. The males were up next and Difference came back to show he runs Bouyah  Miss Kitty selected him to go through, Professor Nuts decided Lava Vein was more deserving of the spot and with that it was up to Skatta Burrel to break the tie and he too agreed that Lava Vein's clean performance was enough for him to remain in the competition.

It was time for Castle Blue to roll out with the performances and  M.O. was the first contestant for the night her song"Go Fi Dem" was boring and she forgot the lyrics to her song close to the end of her performance. The first male for the night Govana J "Deh weh mi Deh" song had a good riddim he didn't perform the song well and went off key in many parts. Tamar Blueprint the producers pick was the second female for the night she turned Miss Kitty's comments from her first performance into a catchy chorus. Her song "Gal Good" gained a "forward" from the crowd at the end. Kritik the second male for the night had elements in his song that reminded me of Kalado the second verse in his song was note worthy though I thought his chorus could have been better. Miss Kitty stated that the structure of his song was an issue. I agree, if he had re arranged the verses the song would have received a stronger reception from the crowd throughout his performance. Angel Eyes gave a great performance, a great chorus and good verse she too got a favorable response from the crowd and favorable comments from the judges. Lava Vein the winner of the face off was next to perform he was clearly still in a battle mood. Lyrical shots were fired by him at some of Magnum King and Queens top contenders from castle red. The judges and the crowd loved his performance and so did I. Sexy Cat was the fourth female performer for the night with "Nah pretend" and I won't pretend that I liked that song. Sean Di Vere was the next male contestant to perform and I loved his song, he had a great melody, excellent stage command and his lyrics were on point. I catched on to the chorus of his song so definitely I loved his performance. Katara the female who won the face off followed him she was loud but didn't really carry any punch she claimed to be "In It To Win It" but didn't prove that with her lackluster lyrics and performance. 

In the second segment of the show it was Proffesor Nut's turn to select his Wild Card. Smallz from Trinidad and Tobago was first to perform with "Wine It", he had a great voice and great melody but failed to get any response from the crowd.Upsetta was next and he certainly created an upset with his song, he was selected by Nuts to continue in the competition as his wild card.The top performers for the night on both the male and female side in no particular order in my view are: Angel Eyes and M.O. And on the male side Sean Di Vere, Lava Vein and Upsetta.

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