Sunday 9 August 2015

#DRS12 80's Theme.

Photo credit: Television Jamaica Twitter

I still cannot believe I missed the Reggae and dancehall theme last week. From the highlights I can tell I missed out on a good show. Ashanie Reid was the one eliminated from the recap I thought she sounded ok but the voters decided so that's that.
It was the final wild card battle and up was Anthony Miller's selections Denna and Amoui. The song was not the best for a battle but I like Amoui straight away and Anthony chose her as the winner of the battle.
Music from the 80's was the nights theme and the guest judge was Tanisha choreographer to the stars. I honestly expected that there was going to be more dancing but instead there was lots of bad song choices, poor vocals and lackluster performances.

Teacher Jody Kay James was first up and she sang a very old boring 80's ballad "I'm Changing" she sang beautifully and looked great but I hated that song as did Anthony and Conroy.

Roxy J who was brought back by Alaine last week sang "Make It Like it Was" by Regina Bell. I remember  Lenya Wilks did this song when she entered and sang it much better than Roxy did and was voted off so let see if Roxy J will be saved by votes next week. I didn't like her vocal performance any at all she maybe because it was pitched too low and her already deep voice sounded very rough.

Vanity Club gave us their rendition of "I'll be Watching You" by Police I wish they didn't choose that song. All the judges agreed that there was a disconnect. The amount of good rock songs from the 80's they could have done Ahh boii I still wana see them in the competition though.

Roshelle Harris gave the first upbeat 80's performance and honored the late Whitney Houston on her birthday with "How Do I Know". It was a great song choice she just needed to smile more and if she had some back up dancers and good choreography would have landed her the top spot for the night.

Jay Keda gave her rendition of  Phill Collins " Against All Odds" but it wasn't the right song for her and all the judges pretty much said so too. They didn't enjoy her performance of that song and as much as that's one of my favorite Phill Collins songs I didn't like her performance either.

Anthony's Wild Card Amoui Ashman sang Madonna's  "Like A Prayer" her voice was ok but the performance didn't grab me.

The seventh contestant Samantha Bogle happy she did an upbeat track but she could have done more with the track her vocal performance was good apart from one awkward note near the end. The judges all agreed that the song didn't go anywhere and the movements were safe.

Conroy's wild card Marsha K sang "Total Eclipse" of the heart in some parts of the song I agree with Conroy that she had moments in the song where she sounded like Bonnie Tyler I agree with guess judge Tanisha that good vocals doesn't a good performance make. Engage the audience make eye contact that makes 100% of a difference when on stage. That was the lesson tonight also tuck in your stomach and smile when hitting hig notes.

The best was saved for last. When Anna Mariah took the stage I sent out a tweet asking that she would perform the hell out of the song and she did. She embodied that Thriller video by Michael Jackson and though I agree with guest judge Tanisha that parts of the performance sounded and looked like musical theatre all the judges and I agree that she was definitely the best performer of the night.

Over all this may just have been the worst week since season twelve started. Hopefully next week will be much better.

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